Photograph two poses in front of the camera and it will quickly become a two frame animation, shown on the screen.

■Work flow
- First, get in front of the camera and strike a pose. The first frame is taken.
- Next, shoot a different pose.
- You can move the two frame animation that you just shot to anywhere on the screen that you like.
- Watch them with others!
Recent version of Pata-Pata Animation Studio doesn’t need blue back screen any more.
Pata-Pata Walker
An improved version of the Pata-Pata Animation Studio.
pata-pata animation studio project team
- Taruto FUYAMA (Planning / Direction)
- Tadahiko SATO @ Trigger Device Ltd(Developing sensor and device / Producing)
- Takanori ENDO(Program / Sound Designing)
- Takuya SAKURAGI(Table and Stand Designing)